The Physics department hosted the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (APS CUWiP) on January 19-21, 2024. For three days, around 180 students came together from 5 US states. They were welcomed by ~70 speakers and volunteers at the David Rittenhouse Laboratory. The program offered 4 plenary talks, 17 workshops and panel discussions, ~70 undergraduate research posters, and a career fair with booths from ~20 universities and companies.
We are thankful to the conference chairs, Arnold Mathijssen, Evelyn Thomson, Cullen Blake, and Phil Nelson. They played critical roles in initiating and leading this effort, and they did an amazing job managing the event despite severe weather constraints and the Penn closure. Thanks, also, to our other department faculty, administrators, and all the volunteers who helped out this weekend. This event sets a shining example for enhancing diversity and inclusion at Penn, especially for women in physics.