We are pleased to announce the following have been named Roy and Diana Vagelos Science Challenge awardees for 2013-2014:
Dahlia R. Klein,* '15, Biophysics, Chemistry and Physics majors, submatriculation in Chemistry
Julia Steinberg, '14, Physics major, submatriculation in Physics
Continuing awardees are:
Martin J. Falk,* '14, Mathematics and Physics
majors, submatriculation in Physics
Sarah K. Foster,* '14, Biochemistry and Physics
majors, submatriculation in Chemistry
*Also Vagelos MLS
The award covers all tuition and fees (independent of
need) for the acidic year which is $45,890 in 2013/2014.
Awardees graduated in May 2013 are headed to:
Colin Fadzen, Biochemistry and Physics, Harvard HST, MD/PhD
combined program
Thomas J. Krane, Physics, Insight Venture Partners, NYC,
Anshuman S. Pal, Physics, parts unknown
Hejia Henry Wang, Biochemistry and Physics, Penn MD/PhD
combined program