- At University of Pennsylvania since 1967
- University of California, Berkeley (1965-67)
- Research Associate, C.E.R.N. (1963-65)
Honors include:
- J.S. Guggenheim Foundation Fellow (1974-75)
- A.P. Sloan Foundation Fellow (1969-71)
Ph.D., M.I.T. (1963)
A.B., Harvard (1959)
Theoretical High Energy Physics
My current research is directed toward a variety of problems in high-energy theoretical physics. These go from phenomenological analyses of models of electroweak interactions, with an eye to better understanding of such phenomena as CP violation and flavor-changing neutral currents, to more fundamental theories. The link between particle physics and astrophysics is another field of interest, with research ranging from baryon asymmetry to more conventional astrophysics such as pulsar kicks.
Very recently, I have also been doing some science writing, including a book about temperature in all its manifestations.
- Spontaneous CP violation and Supersymmetry (with S. Barr) Phys. Rev. D48, 302 (1993)
- Pulsar Velocities and Neutrino Oscillations (with A. Kusenko) Phys. Rev. Letters 77, 4872 (1996)
- Pulsar Kicks from Neutrino Oscillations (with A. Kusenko) Phys. Rev. D59, 061302 (1999)
- Implications of Gauge Unification for the Variation of the Fine Structure Constant (with P. Langacker and Matt Strassler) Phys. Letters B 528, 121 (2002)
- A Matter of Degrees - What Temperature Reveals about the Past and Future of our Species, Planet and Universe, Viking Press (published 2002)