Rebecca Kamen, Visiting Scholar and University of Pennsylvania Artist in Residence, was selected to exhibit her work at the Creative Resilience: Art by Women in Science exhibition sponsored by UNESCO at their headquarters in Paris. On the impact of the exhibition, Kamen said "the artwork in the Creative Resilience exhibition has been inspired by the Coronavirus and created by women in science from 31 countries. It reveals the power of art to be a global catalyst for insight and transformation."
The exhibition is sponsored by UNESCO in order to "give a voice and visibility to STEM women, to their unique scientific perspectives, personal journey, creation, and resilience throughout the pandemic." UNESCO Director of Gender Equality Jamila Seftaoui adds "the objective is to make women of science, their work and role in society and in the fight against Covid-19, more visible while inspiring girls to pursue STEM professions."
Earlier this fall, Kamen opened an exhibition of her work at the Katzen Arts Center at American University entitled "Reveal: The Art of Reimagining Scientific Discovery" in which she challenges visitors "to see the relationship between science, art, and their own creativity."